Brutality. Brutal as it may sound, it devours your mind and soul like none with the likes of fire kissing the wood. So what happens when a fire kisses a wood? It seems sensual at first and then heightens into a scorching pain that transforms the wood into embers, while the heat still remains as a memory of the viciousness.
Sensuality . Sweet as it may sound, it devours your mind and soul like none, with the likes of two magnetic poles getting attracted to each other. So what happens when two strong magnetic poles attract? It seems forceful at first and then heightens into a longing so strong that transforms into an ugly truth, while the force field remains as a mere memory of the passion ... and no love.
Yes, sometimes the truth can be ugly, but what makes it sensual is its innocence and what makes it brutal is ignorance.... the ignorance of accepting its innocence.
Just set the truth free and you will get back the freedom you have been longing for.
(Writing this piece of mind at 11:30 PM makes me feel better coz i have set my mind free by wording it out and got the freedom to sleep in peace. Goodnight.) – Dedicated to all die-hard thinkers.