Every day we wake up. Maybe with a nightmare or vibrant energy or as a plain reaction of our body-clock. We all get into our routines. Just like clock-work we all move about thinking within our self – our family, our husband/boyfriend, our friends, our pet dog, our file on the desk, the meeting at 9 .... what not. But once for a moment have we realised what is the next person walking beside you, standing in the next lane, reading a paper, watching a woman pass by ..... thinking, wondering in his mind or heart. I have sometimes tried to find what it is. But everything seems blur. That urge of wanting to know, lend a ear, sometimes makes me wonder, should i do it? Should i be so human to be bothered beyond my world. Worried about others? I feel the pull from within, a million doubts, questions? I just can’t help thinking, how can i change that person’s life. Every day when i hear a news of death, atrocity, pain, sadness...i feel so numb. I feel helpless for my stupid emotions telling me, where you when it happened ... savouring an ice cream, giggling over a joke. I sincerely feel bad for all those in pain. All that doubts in their mind about who is hearing, who will help me? But over time, i realise i am just one of them...with a beating heart, pumping blood in to remind me i am human. How can a person find the simple joys of life, when so much of pain around us is suffocating us? But one thing keeps me happy even amongst all this pain .... of looking up into the sky, seeing the clouds go by, seasons changing, stars shining, rain falling ... to see this everyday when you wake up, is nothing less of a miracle. A hope that He is watching, listening and sheltering me and you from the pain around to be rejoined in peace at last. But to reach that peace, one has to keep his eyes open, mind even more open .... to accept, understand and believe .... that we see for we have to change, we imagine for we have to foresee ... the highest aspirations we should be upholding in trying times ... of peace and love and freedom to unite at last, as one, with Him. I so want to write more, my heart is overwhelmed with words, which my hands are not able to carry ... but if you feel me, please know that i care for you, as a human ... even if i am sitting miles away from you, for just next door. I hear you. And i know, things will change, for good, for love. Love you all.